The Law Offices of Jeffrey D. Johnson
205 W Walnut St #20
Johnson City, TN 37604
Telephone: (423) 232-0745
Facsimile: (423) 232-0746
United States Supreme Court
United States Court of Appeals for the Second, Sixth, and Ninth Circuits
United States District Court, Southern District of New York
United States District Court, Eastern District of New York
United States District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee
United States Court of International trade
New York State Bar Association
American Bar Association
Tennessee Bar Association
New York City Bar Association
New York County Bar Association
Brooklyn Bar Association
International Bar Association
A.D.I.L.S., Advanced Degree in International Legal Studies, 1984
University of Salzburg, Austria – University of the Pacific, California
Major: International, Corporate and European Union Law
Graduate international legal studies program designed for practicing attorneys internationally. Student body consisted of 41 attorneys from 29 countries
J.D., Juris Doctorate, 1982
Pepperdine University School of Law – Malibu, California
Major: International Law. London, England studies, third year; Advanced international legal studies at The University of London
American Jurisprudence Awards: Civil Pleading and Procedure; International Law and Constitutional law
M.P.A., Master of Public Administration, 1976
University of Dayton – Dayton, Ohio
Major: Public and Business Administration
Summa cum laude
B.A., Bachelor of Arts, 1974
Ohio University – Athens, Ohio
Dual Major: Political Science and Sociology
Magna cum laude
February 2011 – Present
The Law Offices of Jeffrey D. Johnson, Johnson City, TN/ New York, NY
The practice of state and federal criminal law, corporate and civil litigation. Accepted for membership on Federal Criminal Justice Panel for the Eastern District of Tennessee February 2011 to represent indigent federal defendants.
August 1997 – Present
The Law Offices of Jeffrey D. Johnson / DeHeng Chen Chan, NYC & Beijing
New York City, Beijing, China (world headquarters)
The practice of criminal law, civil litigation, corporate and commercial law in New York City, Hong Kong, The People’s Republic of China and countries in Asia and Europe. Litigated many complex cases federally and in state courts in criminal and civil matters. Lead attorney on many international and national cases involving nine figures with many plaintiffs and defendants. Handled cases in national and international antitrust, copyright, intellectual property, bankruptcy, insurance, real estate, mergers etc.
July 1995 – June 1997
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia)
Professor of Law
Lectured in International Trade Law and Intellectual Property. Constructed all facets of both courses from inception. Member of steering and policy committee planning, proposing and implementing successful approval and design of LL.M. and Ph.D. programs after three denials. Construction and design of international business field of concentration. Formulated courses in International Criminal Law, Advanced International Trade Law, Conflict of Laws, and Advanced Intellectual Property Law approved for instruction at graduate level.
Attorney / Legal Consultant – Provided legal advice to businesses, law firms and individuals in international and local legal matters. Project leader and member of several teams developing projects in the People’s Republic of China and several Southeastern Asian nations.
June 1993 – July 1995
Hansard Financial Trust, Business Development Division –
London, England and Hong Kong
Attorney / Legal Consultant
Provided corporate, tax and general legal advice to U.S. and British corporations and individuals doing business in Asia and Europe. Successfully completed numerous projects in Europe, the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore and Vietnam.
Completed sale of Okuma business machinery for English broker to Hungarian quasi-governmental entity. Developed several projects in European Union countries. Represented several English and U.S. business concerns setting up joint ventures in the People’s Republic of China. Represented several computer software companies, e.g., Novell, Lotus, etc., in legal and negotiation proceedings to halt software piracy in Hong Kong and the People’s Republic of China.
Aug. 1986 – May 1993
Jeffrey D. Johnson & Associates – Miami, Florida
Attorney / Legal Consultant
Provided legal advice for law firms concerning corporate and international corporate affairs in addition to personal clients. Provided research, memoranda, advisory opinions, contract drafts, etc., to several attorneys and law firms in Miami.
Sep. 1986 – May 1993
University of Miami, Barry University, Nova University and Miami-Dade Community College – Miami and Broward County, Florida
Adjunct Professor
Lecturer in Business, Comparative, Constitutional, Intellectual Property and International Law; Public Policy and Procedure; Law of Education; Social Environment, Sociology; Introduction to Education; and Political Science.
Dec. 1984 – June 1986
Royal Colony of Hong Kong
International Attorney / Consultant
Provided legal advice to companies doing business in the Royal Colony of Hong Kong, the People’s Republic of China and the United States. Represented several companies establishing concerns and joint ventures in the People’s Republic of China. Aided in the development of several companies establishing factories in the Shenzhan Special Economic Zone.
Oct. 1983 – Nov. 1984
Liam Lysaght & Co., Solicitors – Dublin, Ireland
International Attorney / Consultant
Provided staff solicitor tasks and international legal advice. Project leader of P.M.P.A. and P.M.P.S. insurance and savings & loan national scandal for client Registrar of Friendly Societies (government banking regulatory agency). Researched all insurance agencies applying to become part of Lloyd’s of London underwriters. Provided defense research, memoranda and briefs on several large Lloyd’s of London underwriter cases.
Aug. 1982 – June 1983
Henry L. Gross & Company – Dayton, Ohio
Associate Attorney
Provided staff attorney tasks for general and corporate practice of law. Incorporated several for-profit and not-for-profit entities. Researched criminal, civil and corporate matters for principals.
June 1976 – July 1979
City of Trotwood – Trotwood, Ohio
City Manager
Provided general administrative duties in the overall management of the City 1976 – 1977. Promoted to City manager 1977 Served as Affirmative Action Compliance Officer and Federal Grant Coordinator. Drafted “Personnel Rules & Regulations of the City of Trotwood, Ohio” cross-referenced to Ohio Civil Service Rules & Regulations.
Dec. 1974 – June 1976
City of Dayton Public Schools – Dayton, Ohio
Classroom Teacher
Classroom instruction in Senior Government.